Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bad Day, But . . .

Today, I woke up to the sound of money pouring down the drain. In a house, there is often a distinct sound within the walls when water is running in the bathroom-- say when someone is running bath water, taking a shower, or filling up the washer in order to run a load of cloths.

I woke up to that familiar "water running in the pipes of your walls" sound-- but no one was running anything.

While there is no sign of water damage anywhere, I can tell that somewhere a pipe has burst behind my wall or under our house which has a concert slab foundation. Also, low water pressure impaired my toilets.

My wife and I decided to turn off the water to our home at the meter in our yard.

I called a few plumbers. None of them seemed available.

My son clogged up the toilet. With limited water, I found a way to finally unclog it.

I bought gallons of water. My wife and I contemplated the expensiveness of this repair and how plumbers may have to tear up some of our home to repair the leak.

It's one thing to not have hot water (happened to me last month with my water heater), but it's another issue to have NO running water.

I do turn it on periodically to fill the toilets for a flush. But for the most part, we're keeping it off until a plumber can help us.

Bad day! But . . .

Someone will never have running water at all. Someone is starving. Someone didn't make it home as expected. While my heart goes out to people who are suffering, I also look at my own condition too.

Yes-- bad day, but . . . I'm still grateful.

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read my main title post in order to better understand the purpose behind this blog. In that post, you'll find links to three TED Talks that could really impact your life in a positive way.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

When Happiness Feels Out of Reach

Unfortunately, happiness won't be within easy reach for many people. Experiencing trauma or prolonged abuse can condition the brain to produce less of the hormones and neurotransmitters that create feelings of happiness. Conditions that we identify as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depression, or Bi-Polar Disorder are all examples of how happiness has fallen out of easy reach for someone.

Such conditions are legitimate disorders that need professional, medical treatment. I hope I have never said anything that belittled the challenges that come with mood disorders. Depression-- true, clinical depression-- cannot be turned off as if some on/off switch controls our moods. That idea implies people volunteer for depression. Few people would remain depressed if they did have such an on/off switch. Do keep that in mind when dealing with someone who admits to having a mood disorder.

The ideas I have shared on this blog can bring moments of happiness to help combat the fog of depression in someone's life. But even so, emotional disorders run deep and are complex. The ideas I've shared here can help; However, these ideas are probably more effective on someone who already has a predisposition for happiness as opposed to someone who is battling with clinical depression.

So, what does one do when happiness feels out of reach?

Get professional help. And don't be ashamed. Don't expect to simply shake off depression or anxiety that was born out of abuse or trauma. Others may suggest you can do this-- but it's not fair to expect this out of yourself or anyone else who is seriously dealing with clinical depression or PTSD.

Happiness may feel out of reach now, but you can possibly get a grasp on it with the right kind of help.

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read my main title post in order to better understand the purpose behind this blog. In that post, you'll find links to three TED Talks that could really impact your life in a positive way.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Hormones

My Daily Gratitudes for March 4, 2014

I'm grateful that exercise can sometimes change your mood for the better.

I'm grateful for my mom. As always, she supports us in such an amazing way.

I'm grateful that my favorite music is at my fingertips.

I'm grateful that today, I'm not morning the recent loss of a loved one.

Positive Events from the Past 24 Hours

Exercising today really changed my mood today! I came home a bit frustrated and angry for various reasons. I got on our elliptical and pumped away my frustrations. I found myself in the zone during my session and I finished feeling victorious.

And boy, I defiantly  did NOT want to exercise before I got home. But, I'm glad I did!

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read my main title post in order to better understand the purpose behind this blog. In that post, you'll find links to three TED Talks that could really impact your life in a positive way.