Monday, August 26, 2013

Good Training Goes a Long Way

My Daily Gratitudes: 08/26/2013

I'm grateful that I made some significant progress at work today on a specific project that's due at the end of this week.

I'm grateful that my wife's mood seems better today. She was down; I think she's bouncing back a bit.

I'm grateful for how the school year is going with my daughter so far. I really hope she keeps it up.

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Positive Event from the Past 24 Hours:

Just before leaving work, I put in the time to use a small virtual lab that I had for other reasons. I used it to test for our project that's due this weekend. I didn't feel like doing it, but I tried it and it took a lot less time than I expected. That's what good training can do-- something I've been without until recently. I'm glad for the training that my employer provided for me. I can even see myself become more competent . . . and that makes me feel better about myself as a system administrator.
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read my main title post in order to better understand the purpose behind this blog. In that post, you'll find links to three TED Talks that could really impact your life in a positive way.

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