Tuesday, July 30, 2013

An Easy Going Day, and a Night Owl Actually Get's a Little Sleepy

My Daily Gratitudes: 07/30/2013

I'm grateful for having a fairly smooth day at work. I had to replace a mail server and restore the new server from a backup config. Worked well.

I'm grateful for that crossover cable always hanging around in my laptop bag.

I'm grateful for being able to spend the evening with my family and celebrate my son's birthday tonight. We'll celebrate it some this weekend, too.

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Positive Event from the Past 24 Hours:

I got some good sleep last night. I felt great this morning. But, now I'm very, very sleepy. Time to sign off and hit the sack. But, being sleeping is positive too, for me, since usually I can't fall off to sleep very well before midnight.
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read my main title post in order to better understand the purpose behind this blog. In that post, you'll find links to three TED Talks that could really impact your life in a positive way.

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