Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quiet Cubicles, Home Cooking, and Toughing It Out

My Daily Gratitudes: 07/16/2013

I'm grateful for the fact that I was the only one in my four-person cubicle today. So quiet; Man . . . I got so much done.

Mom made dinner for us tonight unexpectedly. I'm really grateful for that.

I did my workout tonight. I really, really didn't want to. But, I'm thankful for the tips in Change Anything that encouraged me to do it anyhow. I'm also thankful for that second wind I got just past the middle of my workout, just when I thought I'd give up early.

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Positive Event from the past 24 hours:

My wife was working on her paper and something important came up and distracted her. Her laptop battery died and she thought she lost her work. She called me, really bummed out, but then she found a way to recover the paper as she was expressing her concern. What a relief!
If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read my main title post in order to better understand the purpose behind this blog. In that post, you'll find links to three TED Talks that could really impact your life in a positive way.

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