Monday, July 22, 2013

Kind Employers allow Employees to Take Care of Familly Needs

My Daily Gratitudes: 07/22/2013

I'm grateful that my employer gave me time to tend to some sudden needs that came up with my mom.

I'm grateful that I had some time to spend with my family today.

I'm grateful for the level of stability we have in the United States. How long will we keep it? I dunno. I'm glad it's here today, though.

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Positive Event from the last 24 hours:

My mom got her plumbing in her house fixed today. Also, my wife and I got down on the floor and played with our kids.

If you haven't already done so, I invite you to read my main title post in order to better understand the purpose behind this blog. In that post, you'll find links to three TED Talks that could really impact your life in a positive way.

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